Join us for a special one night gathering of worship, learning, and prayer for the conflict in Israel + Gaza.

Emily Vogeltanz will lead us through the 4,000 year history of the land + people and modern day conflict. We will also spend time worshipping and praying for those impacted by the war. 

Thursday, November 1, 7:00pm

383 Kennesaw Ave NW Marietta 30060


Please email if you have any questions. 

Join us this Fall as we journey through the book of Hebrews and set our hearts on Jesus, the Perfect Way. This semester our study will run for 8 weeks (with 1 week off September 19th) and will be taught by Emily Vogeltanz, Lanie Beth Sinclair, Tory Vore, Meg Brim, and Aynsley Younker. 

Kindred gathers on Tuesdays at 9:30 and again at 7pm. Each gathering is a unique and inviting community of women of various ages and stages of life who are simply hungry to study God’s Word and know Jesus more deeply. 

Please email if you have any questions. 

Creation Covenant (9:30A + 7P)

Creation Covenant (9:30A + 7P)

Join us in person or through the podcast for a 7- week study of God’s Kingdom through the Covenants.

In Scripture, covenants point to God’s heart for relationship and ultimately His desire + plan for restoration for and with man. Each covenant and promise of God contributes to the redemption plan of God, culminating in and fulfilled by Christ Jesus. By God’s good design, Biblical covenants create a framework and teach us how the entire meta-narrative of Scripture connects from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation. 

Together, over 7 weeks we will study: Creation, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Symbols of the Covenant (Ark + Tabernacle), David, and the New Covenant. We can’t wait to learn together and experience the power of God’s Word in community.

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Echoed Through Scripture

As we connect the dots of the 5 chapters and 108 verses in James, we see the themes echoed throughout the entire narrative of scripture. Join us as we close out our study on the book of James with insight into how this powerful book fits into the canon of scripture, challenges our actions to match our beliefs and how we can live lives worthy of the calling of Jesus in a post Christian era. We can’t wait to learn together.

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Week 5 // JAMES 5

Week 5 // JAMES 5

Patience, Praise, and Prayer

In this chapter James continues to reprove, exhort and challenge those who are followers of Jesus. James reminds us our hope is not in the things of this world but reminds us to be people of both prayer and patience in all things.

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Week 4 // JAMES 4

Week 4 // JAMES 4

Grace for the Humble

James exposes our sin in areas where we are prone to minimize it, and he reminds us of the brevity and uncertainty of our lives... Ouch! Instead of walking away demoralized, let us listen closely to what James has to say about God's character. Perhaps with this in mind, we can respond to the call to move from pride to humility.

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Week 3 // JAMES 3

Week 3 // JAMES 3

The Little Leading the Big

Using illustrations of small items leading large objects, James emphasizes that no human can tame the tongue. As followers of Jesus, our hope is in the fact that we do not rely on human strength. We seek guidance and wisdom from above. James shows us the difference between earthly wisdom and wisdom that comes from God.

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Week 2 // JAMES 2

Week 2 // JAMES 2

Faith + Deeds

Through teaching on kingdom inheritance, courts filled with drama and the keeping of the royal law…James 2 has enough ‘drop the mic’ moments to fill a vault. Questions about faith vs deeds abound in this passage rich with intrigue and mystery. Not one to mine words, James has much to teach us about our lives, the righteousness that comes from the Father and triumphant mercy.

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Week 1 // JAMES 1

Week 1 // JAMES 1

Simple Pursuit

As Jesus followers, our knowledge must not outpace our practice of the Word and pursuit of true faith. It’s not enough to simply hear the Word, but to act upon it, not enough to “believe it,” but to actually live it. As Martin Luther famously wrote, “The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration.” James 1 is a guide that challenges and commands us to live holy, through trials and in hardship anchored to the One who is our strength and the giver of good gifts.

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Past Studies